What to do With Thanksgiving Leftovers

Welcome back, Wildcat! It’s almost thanksgiving break, and if you’re like me, it can’t come soon enough! The food, the family and friends, the free time, are all things to look forward to. But most of the time we end Read more…

Mindful Eating for the Holidays

Welcome back, Wildcat! The Holidays are coming up soon which means lots of delicious foods! It also means diet companies ramping up their marketing to sell you an unhealthy, unsustainable diet. But practicing some mindful eating can help us truly Read more…

Are Seed Oils Toxic?

Welcome back, Wildcat! This week we are covering a nutrition topic- seed oils! There has been a lot of media attention on seed oils recently, with negative claims about inflammation and toxicity. But are these claims true? Let’s find out. Read more…

Spooky Stuffed Peppers Recipe

Happy spooky season, Wildcat! This week we are making a delicious Halloween meal: Spooky Stuffed Peppers! This recipe includes spicy Latin flavors like chili powder and cumin and the bell peppers are cut into fun Jack O Lantern shapes. It’s Read more…

World Food Day: A Global Call to Action

Welcome back, Wildcat, to a very special edition of the Campus Kitchen blog. This week we are talking about World Food Day which falls on Sunday, October 16th this year! World Food Day celebrates the anniversary of the founding of Read more…

An Old Tea and a New Trend: Matcha

Welcome back, Wildcat! If you have been to a coffee shop recently you may have seen a product called matcha. Although Matcha tea is new to the U.S., it has been used ceremonially in China and Japan for hundreds of Read more…

Quick and Yummy Ways to Make Quinoa

Hey, Wildcat! This week we are talking about quinoa. But first, how do you say it!? The spelling might throw you off but it’s pronounced like “keen-wah.” Quinoa is a whole grain that originated in South America. When cooked, it Read more…

Should I be Using Green Powders?

Hey, Wildcat! This week we are talking about a super trendy supplement: Green Powders. Green powders have become increasingly popular, but what are they and should you be using them? Green powders are a mix of dried and powdered ingredients Read more…

Your New Favorite Meal: Grain Bowls

Hey Wildcat! Looking for a quick and healthy dinner recipe? We got you covered! This recipe includes a variety of vegetables and grains, full of diverse colors and textures, that will make this a sample in your kitchen! The key Read more…

Trendy Food Topic: Coconut Oil

Hey, Wildcat! This week we are talking about coconut oil, a food that has become more and more popular in the U.S. Coconut oil is a white solid fat that comes from the meat and milk of the coconut fruit. Read more…
